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Pueblo Colorado

Pueblo Wants Clean Energy and Low Electricity Bills: Tips on How You Can Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Residents, businesses, and industries all across Pueblo Colorado have had enough with rocketing electric bills. According to both Pueblo’s Energy Future, a local organization dedicated to clean, affordable, and sustainable energy, as well as a local article “Frustrated by High Power Bills, Colorado City Turns to Clean Energy” written by Laura Shepard, Pueblo community’s electricity rates are, on average, almost 50% higher than the Colorado Average combining residential, commercial and industrial bills. It’s no wonder that the city is fighting for reusable energy!

Voices have been heard by Pueblo officials, as the city county has officially passed a resolution that promises 100% renewable energy by 2035. Now, an entire city has made the movement towards sustainable, clean energy.

Electricity can be a costly addition to your monthly payments, and, like Pueblo, can sky-rocket leaving many people in financial struggle. While Pueblo is beginning their journey to efficient energy and low electric bills, here’s what you can do to make your home more energy efficient and save some money on your next electricity bill.

Replace Your Old Furnace

Furnaces are one of the highest energy consumers in your home, especially if they were installed over 20 years ago. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) recommends that you replace your furnace if it was built before the year 1992, as these furnaces waste about 35 percent of fuel and raises your bill by almost 30%. The older the furnace, the more energy it consumes, and the more money you have to pay. If your furnace was installed after 1992, it is still a good idea to check the AFUE rating—the fuel utilization efficiency rating. If it is below 80%, then a furnace replacement is recommended, as it is still consuming more fuel than necessary.

Learn more about replacing your furnace here: https://thewirenut.com/services/furnace-replacement/

Get Regular Tune Ups and Inspections for your Air Conditioner and Your Furnace

When it comes to the heating and cooling systems in your house, we recommend a yearly tune-up, just like you would a car or a truck. While your vehicle runs great for a few thousand miles, it eventually will need some maintenance; the same goes for your air conditioner and your furnace. When you get a regular tune-up, you can be sure that your house will be running as efficiently as possible while it heats and cools itself for the various Colorado seasons. Simply getting an annual maintenance trip could save you a huge amount of money, all while keeping your home’s temperature efficiently regulated.

Learn more about air conditioning tune ups: https://thewirenut.com/services/air-conditioner-tune-ups/

Learn more about furnace tune ups: https://thewirenut.com/services/furnace-tune-up/

Also, check out our latest blog post about how furnace tune ups can save you money: https://thewirenut.com/how-a-furnace-tune-up-saves-you-money/

Replace Your Thermostat with a Smart, Programmable Thermostat

Most often, out of the busyness of the day, we leave our house while the thermostat is still turned on high, piping in cool air so that it feels the same when we come back, hours later. Even when we sleep, we leave the thermostat on heat so that we will wake up to a warm house. This is how everyday life goes—we don’t even think about it.

However, when your thermostat is constantly running, it’s also running up your electricity bill. Even when we’re out of the house, it is still consuming energy and costing money. One of the simplist ways to fix this and help your house become more energy efficient is to replace your old thermostat with a Smart, programmable thermostat. By installing a programmable thermostat, you can control it with a remote or even your smartphone and tell it when to turn on and when to turn off. You can set time frames for your furnace to turn on and click a button when you’re ready to leave for the day. This is a great way to increase the energy efficiency of your home and save you  money on that costly utility bill.

Pueblo’s Clean Energy Future: http://www.pueblosenergyfuture.org/

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