by Thewirenut | Jul 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
If you live in an older home in Colorado you may know the number of your electrician by heart. Generally, the older a home is the more likely the electrical system is in need of updating or repair. Whether you’re calling The WireNut because of an emergency situation...
by Thewirenut | Jul 14, 2020 | Electrical
We all remember how exciting the world was as a kid. Everything was an adventure, whether it was hide-and-seek in the basement or riding bikes with our neighbors. Everything was within our grasp and we were invincible. For children, the difference between what is safe...
by Thewirenut | Jul 14, 2020 | Electrical
Do you know what your electrical panel is for? It’s common knowledge that every house has one. We usually all know where to find it in our home, but do you know how it works and what purpose it serves? The electrical panel, or distribution board, is essentially the...
by Thewirenut | Jul 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
The average home contains 75 electrical outlets of different shapes, sizes, and functionalities. Are the outlets that line your walls the correct ones for your home? In this post, we are going to examine the most common outlet types in your home by pointing out the...
by Thewirenut | Jul 14, 2020 | HVAC
Being a home owner comes with more responsibility than some people realize, and it can get overwhelming. There are certain aspects about your home that you may have overlooked, or just thought wasn’t important, like your HVAC system. Not paying attention to your HVAC...